Divergences Revue libertaire en ligne
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Americans for peace and justice
Article mis en ligne le 28 novembre 2008
dernière modification le 25 novembre 2008

We’re Americans and partners of Americans living in the vicinity of Montpellier, in the Languedoc region of France.

This is our mission statement :

We are an association of Americans dedicated to global peace and justice.

We oppose the settlement of conflicts by force, while recognizing the right of people to defend themselves against infringement of their human and civil liberties.

Our objectives are :
1) To promote peace by opposing war and all forms of oppression
2) To promote justice by identifying and denouncing the political and economic sources of injustice.

Along with others who share our objectives, we take public action to achieve these aims.

It all started one night in October 2001, when Lawrence McGuire was roaming the streets of Montpellier, looking for a sign....

Since then, we’ve made other signs...

And these are probably not the last, unless a new era of global peace and justice makes them unnecessary (we can dream).